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Lime planning for the entire farm in less than a minute

Blog - 27.09.2018 - Lime planning for the entire farm in less than a minute
In our cloud-based software agriPORT, nutrient distribution maps are presented individually for each farm. Simple routines enable you, as the plant manager, to know immediately how much lime you need for your areas. In addition, you can have lime litter maps calculated for the entire operation according to VDLUFA specifications. In this short video, we provide the proof that lime planning can be carried out for the entire farm in less than a minute: Read more

How you can earn 50 EUR/ha with a little thought when liming!

Blog - 20.09.2018 - How you can earn 50 EUR/ha with a little thought when liming!
Lime contributes to the long-term preservation of soil fertility and ensures reliable yields. In practice, however, limescale is still far too often used to avoid demand. As a result, suboptimal pH values predominate in many places, which has a negative effect on the profitability of the farm. The adjustment of the optimum pH value in the fields is not witchcraft. Read more

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