Release agriPORT | 08.01.2025
Release agriPORT 5.183 - 08.01.2025
- Fix: pH maps loading
First Edition agriPORT App
As an early Christmas present we proudly announce the First Edition agriPORT App. The features are for the N-Monitoring of fields. (Or any other monitoring.)
Download it. Login. Leave us 5 stars to promote it.
Release agriPORT 5.182 - 12.12.2024
- Import:
- Fix: LogFile Upload is working again
- Base fertilisation:
- BF Hectar License check adjusted to only check for Area with valid analysis
- Sample Fields
- Fix: Order of sample field soilgroup layer descending based on date
Release agriPORT 5.181 - 10.12.2024
- General:
- Minor Bugfixes (>50)
- API V2: Languages and Translations, Create Monitoring, Edit, Delete, Load Crop Types
- Scale in Map
- Field:
- New: Selection of Fields in Crop Rotation
- Monitoring V2: Grid and many detail improvements
- Soil Samples:: V1 Soil Sample Report (Tables)
- Satellit: Fix Update of map when Growth Stage is changed
- Base Fertilisation:
- Entry Field arrangement: RD2% on top
- Uniform is disabled, when all fields are variabel
- N fertilisatiuon:
- Fix: Oil Seed Rape Biomass Cut Off
- New Backend: Absolute Cereal (1st Rate)
- Plant Protection:
- Base Data: Detail improvements when creating farm specific product
- Export:
- Export of Fertiliser for ISOBUS Controller
Release agriPORT 5.180 - 04.12.2024
- Hotfix Task Management: PF-Box Export without crop (Eppocode)
Release agriPORT 5.179 - 29.11.2024
- N Fertilisation:
- Fix: X-Y-Diagram N Overview
- Backend (internal):
- Standardized Map Calculation
- Standardized and more detailled Contouring Process for all Demands
- Sharper Slope for Biomass Cutoff area in N application maps
Release agriPORT 5.178 - 27.11.2024
- General:
- In Case of Error you get a button "back to start"
- Multiple Fixes
- Neu: agriPORT API V1
- Fields:
- Show Self intersections when editing a field boundary
- NEW: Monitoring V1
- Satellite: Interpolation and removal of empty areas
- Satellite: Implementation Autumn Image and early Growth Stages
- Base Fertilisation:
- Fix: Header when exporting Excel in Overview
- Fix: Statistic label in Planning Process
- New: More Dynamic in Initial and Remaining Demand Maps
- N Fertilisation:
- Limit Logfile Legend to 250 kg N/ha
- Split N1 and Scan in Overview
- Fix: Recording of Uniform and Application Maps
Release agriPORT 5.177 - 12.11.2024
- General:
- Minor Bugfixes
- Soil Sample Pointsalso shown when new sampling is available
- Fields:
- Fix: Validity Check when editiing a geometry
- Prototype N monitoring
- Base Fertilisation:
- Fix: Status for expired sampling and crops
- Improvements in shp clean up
- N Fertilisation:
- Fix: Create plans
- Field records:
- Fix: More accurate nutrient calculation and sums
Release agriPORT 5.176 - 11.11.2024
- Feature:
- Extend error handling in various functions
- Implement panic handling
- Implement automatic tests in the release process
- Adjustments in the release process
- BugFix:
- Calculation of application maps in N-Fertilisation
- harmonized coordinate systems handling used for log points and field geometries
- Sampling fields with tracks / points outside the field boundaries are rejected
Release agriPORT 5.175 - 08.11.2024
- General:
- New: agriPORT API Prototyp
- New: Monitoring Backend
- Various Client and Backend Fixes (>10)
- Base Fertilisation:
- Fix: Samplefield Statistic aligned with Nutrient distribution statistic
- N Fertilisation:
- New: Übernahme aller Einstellungen, wenn neue Planung aus bestehender erstellt wird
- (+Neu mit ausgewählter Planung)
- Fix: Scan Tasks will now proposed properly for incoming logfiles
- Biomass Cutoff for Oil Seed Rate will be recommended
- NEW: Plant Protection Logfile (recorded) can be used for Application maps (when younger than Nitrogen Logfiles)
- New: Übernahme aller Einstellungen, wenn neue Planung aus bestehender erstellt wird
Release agriPORT 5.174 - 28.10.2024
- Fields:
- Sample Fields are shown as top layer
- Plant Protection:
- Plant Protection Overview: Rate view shows the latest Sensor application over all fields
- Base Fertilisation
- Product sum at the planing wizard "details" at constant planings
- BugFix:
- Base Ferilisation Overview: Demand legend is now always shown
- Base Ferilisation Overview: clean up listed plans per fields
- N-Fertilisation
- Add dureation column at Plans/show grid
- Overview: single view only shows the selected planing
- BugFix:
- Rate view: reset map colors with each functoion call
- visivility of mandatory fields during the planing wizard
- Internal:
- deleting of AP- prefix at famr spezific plant protection products
- Integration of an growstagedefined columns
- Standardise the geom simplify algorythm
- Implementation of an function to handle absolute and area-relativ units
Release agriPORT 5.173 - 18.10.2024
- Bugfix: Internal Job Processing
Release agriPORT 5.172 - 18.10.2024
- N Fertilisation:
- Grouping of Operation Modes during the planning process
- Select logfiles in table (Remove magnifier)
- Multi Select of logfiles
- Plant protection:
- Select logfiles in table (Remove magnifier)
- Multi Select of logfiles
Release agriPORT 5.171 - 15.10.2024
- General:
- Many minor Bugfixes
- Failed jobs will be repeated 3 times
- GD:
- Fix: Edit old plans
- New: Creating a new plan with an old plan selected: preselects all fields and agronomic details (like a duplicate)
- ND:
- New Field: Caclculated target rate for Absolute OSR Application Module
- Uniform applications create maps
- Loading perfomance logfiles improved
- PP:
- Loading perfomance logfiles improved
Release agriPORT 5.170 - 10.10.2024
- Fix: Client Error when loading Base fertilisation Plans in N fert
Release agriPORT 5.169 - 09.10.2024
- Fix: Long running jobs now come to an end (E.g. more than 20.000 logpoints)
- Fix: Frontend entry fields more secure
Release agriPORT 5.168 - 08.10.2024
- General:
- Upgrade of the framework (.NET)
- Fix: Loading performance
- Fix: Styles
- GD:
- Fix: Status for outdated analysis
- Fix: Field selection in map when entering planning wizard
- Fix: Nutrient distribution table shows all soil groups
- Fix: Refresh of table when resetting and deleting plans
- NEW: Tooltip on crop removals
- ND:
- Dynamic legend
- Single field and Rate view
- Fix: Refresh Logfiles when changing the farm
- Fix: Map refresh during single field edit
- New: Tooltip on map (N uptake and Application)
- PP:
- NEW: Recording/Booking of Logfiles und Plans
- Dynamic Legend
- Single view for each plan in map
- Search bar and footer in all views
- Fix: Refresh Logfile Table when changing the farm
- New: Tooltip on map (N uptake and application)
- Base data:
- New: Create and select farm specific plant protection products (even for a whole country)
Release agriPORT 5.167 - 24.09.2024
- Login:
- Eye Symbol to show password
- Mobile responcive login screen
- Base Fertilisation:
- Fix: outdated analysis now in grey instead of red status
- Previous harvest year in Plan Overview Statistic visible
- Histogram sample and nutrient distribution more refined and accurate
- N fertilisation:
- Scatterplot in Overview
- Direct download of logfiles from Overview
- Base data:
- Information on alkaline fields when creating a fertiliser
- General:
- Many little bug fixes
Release agriPORT 5.166 - 17.09.2024
- BF:
- New: Status for outdated analysis now grey instead of red
- Fix: show all soil groups in nutrient distribution table
- NF:
- NEW Overview: Statistic tab with two histograms and logfile header information
- General:
- Many little bug fixes
Release agriPORT 5.165 - 29.08.2024
- General:
- Loading a farm improved (2x faster)
- Fix: Scroll on mobile devices
- N fertilisation:
- Organic application counts as N0
Release agriPORT 5.163 - 16.08.2024
- Fix: License Check when changing farms improved
- After pressing "Adjust License" no new popup comes until the next sync qith the ERP licenses
Release agriPORT 5.162 - 15.08.2024
- License check activated
- +/- 8 % is still valid to cope for fallow areas
- We check ERP subscription amount against the farm area in agriPORT, if there is a valid base fertilisation license.
- If the check is negative a popup appears that can be "Ignored" or "Adjust License".
- Adjust License creates a ticket for the support team.
- When the licensed area in the ERP subscription is adjusted with the next sync (daily) the message disappears.
- Dashboard:
- New: Count of Logfiles
- Fix: Titles and % of recorded logfiles
Release agriPORT 5.160/5.161 - 12.08.2024
- Dashboard:
- Fix: Translations
- Fix: Consider year in NF statistics
- N fertilisation:
- Grid harmonized
- Plant Protection:
- WIP: Logfile recording
- WIP: Create Products
- Settings:
- NEW Licence: Licensed area from ERP Substcription is synced and shown
Release agriPORT 5.159 - 01.08.2024
- Dashboard:
- New Statistic Element
- N fertilisation:
- Generate Plans from Logfiles refactored
- Plant Protection:
- Finalized processing of log files including recording
- WIP: Create Product in Frontend
- Base Data:
- Clean up old data
- Bugfixes:
- Multiple minor fixes
- Improved export of huge plans (>500 fields)
Release agriPORT 5.158 - 17.07.2024
- Fields:
- Crop Rotation:
- Crop rotation entries are archived now to be restored
- Crop rotation legend shows only unique values
- Soil samples:
- Tooltip on sample points for all users
- Tooltip on sample points for all users
- Crop Rotation:
- Plant protection:
- Work in Progress: Record Logfiles
Release agriPORT 5.157 - 12.07.2024
- Refresh (F5) refreshs now all datsa no CTRL +F5 more necessary
- Take over crop rotation is now default
- Loading of larger farms (>200 fields) improved
- Many littel improvements and hardening of the system
Release agriPORT 5.156 - 10.07.2024
- Fields:
- Crop Rotation statistic shows crops instead of groups and considers selection
- Edit fields is now enabled for the highes campaignyear
- Base fertilisation:
- Create plans with negative element content
Release agriPORT 5.155 - 09.07.2024
- General:
- Academy is back online (in German right now)
- Maps: New boundary style
- New: Selection per mouse drag
- New: CTRL + Selection for single and multiple items
- New: Base Statistisc (Number of Fields, Area in ha and Percentage of farm) now in many views
- New: Information field on uniform rate fields
- New: Loading screen when connection to server is lost
- New: Client error will be shown with a grey overlay and sad tractor. Reload and you should be good
- Fix: Dropdown legend in fullscreen mode now visible
- Fields:
- New: Crop rotation can be taken over when splitting a field
- New: Delete fields via massedit
- New: Statistic in Soil Samples
- New: When splitting ro merging fields only future plan/records will be deleted. Historic one even in the same harvest year will stay and reduce the remaining demand.
- Use case: Application on the whole field in September after harvest. Splitting the field in March due to summer crops.
- Base fertilization:
- New: Considering plan/records even even after splitting and merging a field in the same harvest year (see above)
- New: Fields will be shown even without any analysis on the farm
- N fertilization:
- Plan recommendations improved for logfile recording
- Plant protection:
- New: interpolation of logfiles
- Work in progress:
- Record logfiles
- Generate plans and edit it for logfiles
- Base data:
- Removal of fertilizer categories
- Improved massedit to enable/disable crops and fertilisers
Release agriPORT 5.154 - 25.06.2024
- General:
- Field selection via Map
- Extend map tooltip within soilgroups, soilanalytics and so one
- Remove fertilizer element grouping
- Refectoring crop rotation load
- Extend trail licence to one month
- Base Fertilization:
- Add crop to plans / show grid
- Add crop at the field tooltip base fertilization / plans
- Considering the product unit at the legend
- Field zoom planing wizard / overview
- Plan view remove elements with zero content
- N-Fertilisation:
- Reorganise operation modes at planing wizard / details
- Map-tooltip with content values at application maps
- Add potatoes and Maisz to the sensor crops
- Refectoring maps layers
- Gerneral:
- Refectoring of help loading
- Refectoring map load field / overview
- Restricting of Number and Partnumber to integer values
- Standardising of LogFile names while import
- Refectoring of fertilizer product caluclation
- Base Fertilization:
- Field Area at record wizard
- Refectoring of the field selection of plan edit function
- Plant Protection:
- Driver as Text
- Sum of Water and Product consider from booked status
- Refectoring Product load
Release agriPORT 5.153 - 12.06.2024
- General:
- Geoposition in map now bigger and bolder
- Density and unit implemented in tooltip
- Bigger field names
- declutter soil sample layers
- Many minor bugfixes and improvements
- Crop Rotation:
- long names in crop rotation filter
- Fix: Number of items per page
- Fix: Anzahl Felder je Seite in Fruchtfolge
- Viele kleine Bugfixes und Verbesserungen
- Base fertilisation:
- Export in nutrient distribution to directly export for modell calculation
- Reset single plans in Base fert/ overview just refreshes single field
- IMplem,ent wizard when resetting plans from overview
- Show plan bopundary AND field boundary in plan maps
- Important when boundary changes over time occured.
- N-fertilisation:
- Bugfix: Application mode when generate plan for logfiles
agriPORT 5.152 - 03.06.2024
- General:
- Tasknames contain the product name
- My position in the map bigger for better readility
- Loading n uptake maps drung login for better accessibility and performance
- No application in a map now without opacity
- Many minor bugfies and improvements
- Base fertilisation:
- New map layer: Product amount as default fopr plans
- Tooltip for plan maps now with oxid and unit consideration
- Fix: Update tables after split of fields
- Fix: Applicatin mode of plan list in editing will be taken over
- No application in a map now without opacity
- N fertilisation:
- New: Records shows now all maps of records
- Farm trecords:
- BETA: The aggregated records of all modules are shown
agriPORT 5.151 - 24.05.2024
- General:
- Dashboard will be startpage after every release
- English is fallback when there are no transalted news
- My position now shows layer information underneath!
- Base Fertilisation:
- Day accurate consideration of plans and records in the remaining demand
- Fix: Apoplication mode will be automatically filled in when editing a plan
- Fix: Refresh of plans when splitting and merging a field
- New: Creating plans from overview keeps field selection
- Fix: Min and Max for organic fertilisers
- N-Düngung:
- Fix: Refresh Plan maps when editing a single line
- New: N-balance will be calculated during the planning for every application mode
- Page Filter in Plans and Records
- New: Creating plans from overview keeps field selection
- Oat implemented
Release agriPORT 5.150 - 16.05.2024
- Fix bar chart in nutrient distribution
- Fix refresh of overview when recording a logfile
Release agriPORT 5.149 - 16.05.2024
- Minor Mapfixes
Release agriPORT 5.148 - 15.05.2024
- General:
- Tooltip better visibility
- Hybrid map is default
- Base fertilisation:
- Fix: soil group layer
- New: Single field edit in planning process
- NEW: Edit of existing plans (e.g. product change, new RD2 calculations...)
- New: Start planning waits on finished calculations
- New: Tooltip on planning maps
- Fix: Field selection will be used from existing plan
- outdated soil sample plans will be automatically removed
- Update Mehlich 3 P/K recommendations
- N fertilisation:
- reset plans when crops are changed in the wizard selection
- New: Logfile map dynamic legend (min to max)
- Fix: Scans in season willl be assigned to a rate
- New: Tooltip on plan layer
- New: Tooltip on logfile points
- Plant protection:
- restrict Overview to records
- New: recording of uniform applications
- New: Logfiles are shown and processed
- Settings:
- Country setting on farm tooltip
- Trial license will be overwritten by subscription
- New: Change name and language setting for user in user settings
- Save language in cache. Keeps set during reload.
Release agriPORT 5.147 - 26.04.2024
- General:
- Menu folds neatly
- GS will be automaticaly updated during recording process
- Maps
- Tooltip on plan maps
- Legend colors fit better to map
- N fertilisation
- GS changeable during map generation
- When recording a logfile overview update is automatically triggered
- Plant protection
- Import tool for BVL database
- Plan/ Books:
- Application date italic when different dates on the single plans are set
- > 100 little Fixes and Improvements
Release agriPORT 5.145 - 17.04.2024
- General:
- Background color for detail lines
- Fields:
- Fix: One Point back when drawing
- Empty yield when second crop is not set
- Base fertilisation:
- N content will be shown in plan wizard overview
- Soil goup layer legend with description
- Fertiliser rules for Liming based on pH value in KCl for Estonia
- Interpolation of plans between Min and Max now (former 0-Max)
- N Fertilisation:
- Overview: Show Records from Base fertilisation with nitrogen content
- N balance: applied N considers base fert. records
- italic style for N efficiency not 100 % + Tooltip
- Interpolation between Min and Max now (former 0-Max)
Release agriPORT 5.144 - 10.04.2024
- Fields:
- NEW: Overview/ Seed Details
- NEW: Satellit/Growth Stage and [ha]
- Base Fertilisation:
- Overview: +New Button activated
- Sopil Group Legend more detailled
- More Precise Average Values in case of A-
- N Fertilisation
- Overview +New Button activated
- Overview: Filter activated
- N Balance: Filter activated
- Improved automatic plan selection
- NEW: Growth Stage and Seed Details
- Massedit: Growth Stage
- Plant Protection:
- NEW: Overview
- German Products are now Backup if no country specific products are available
- Stammdaten:
- NEW Show Sulphur Content in organic fertilisers
- Activate/ Deactivate per line
- Settings:
- NEW: TRIAL License activation
- General:
- Job Processing improved
- System updates
- Reduced Notifications to the client
- Updated Growth Stage basen on last booked Plan
- Many Minor Bugfixes
Release agriPORT 5.143 - 27.03.2024
- Fields:
- Fix: Export Sample Fields Header and Number Format
- Satellite: Added Crop Type
- Base Fert.
- Plans: Filter to exclude N only fertiliser
- Sampleplanning: Regionalize Date format last sample
- N Module:
- Fix: Show Recorded Log Files
- Default Application Type Variable if possible
Release agriPORT 5.142 - 26.03.2024
- General:
- Performance during Job Calculations
- Many minor bug fixes
- Map:
- NEW: North alignment
- NEW: My Position
- NEW: Full Screen Map
- Base Fertilisation:
- Fix: Plan statistic (overview)
- N fertilisation:
- Fix: Plan statistic (overview)
- NEW: N Balance Statistic: Area and Field Count
- Plant protection:
- NEW: Create Plan (Target Rate and Uniform)
- NEU: Plan Overview
- NEW: Export Plan
- NEW: Base Data Plant Protection Products
- Tasks:
- Improved Special Character Handling
- Farm Records:
- Improved Details
- Last Sampling implemented
- Minor Bugfixes
Release agriPORT 5.141 - 13.03.2024
- Base Fertilisation:
- Overview: Empty Fields when no values
- Plan and records loading improvement
- N Fertilisation:
- Plan wizard got more defaults and agronomic restrictions
- Duration when recording a plan
- Statistic in PLan Wizard Overview
- Plant protection (BETA):
- Base data plant protection products
- Task management:
- Shorter Export names for better readability
- General:
- New languages: Russian and Romanian
- Forma in all tablöes aligned
- Master detail table aligned
- Many little bug fixes (92)
Release agriPORT 5.140 - 26.02.2024
- Nitrogen:
- N balance now sums up with hectar
- Many minor imporvements
Release agriPORT 5.139 - 23.02.2024
- Fields:
- Fix: Take over Crop rotation
- Fix: Split fields
- Base fertilisation:
- Implement Duration
- New Color Legend Plans
- Nitrogen Fertilisation
- Fix: Last Sensor Measurement
- Min and Max values for plans implemented
- New Statistic N balance
- New Color Legend Plans
- Task management:
- Year with two digits and removal of fiel type-> more space for notes
- Base Data:
- Country selectable in Settings
- Implement Default Implement and Driver
- General:
- Default Driver and Implement will be automatically selected by Machine selection
- Loading behaviour improved
- Reload after relase from 30 s to 3s
Release agriPORT 5.137 - 19.02.2024
- Fields:
- Yield is mandatory when a crop is set
- Check for existing feild boundary (red status otherwise)
- Base fertilisation:
- Single reset in Base Fertiulsation/Overview
- Show duration when recording
- Fix: Duration implemented
- Nitrogen Fertilisation:
- Fix: Delete Plans properly
- Plant Protection:
- Implement Country for PP products
- Base Data:
- Translations Work Types fixed
- General:
- Reload quicker and cleaner
- Standardize order of technical documentation:
- Machine, Implement, Driver
- Many little bug fixes
Release agriPORT 5.136 13.02.2024
- Base fertilisation:
- Oxid conversion of map layer for uniform applications
- N fertilisation
- Recording of N application maps and uniform
- + adjust amount by applied sum
- Fix: Single Edit
- Fix: Rate selection
- Search Field in Log files
- Beta: Farm Records
- Beta: Plant Protection Products
- Loading performance improved (up to 3x times faster)
- Minor Improvements in all modules
Release agriPORT 5.135 - 01.02.2024
- N efficiency implemented in already applied, balance and remaining
- E.g. 40 kg N/ha als Slurry with 50 % N Efficieny = 20 kg N will be used
- Fix SHP Export wioth too long headers
Release agriPORT 5.134 - 30.01.2024
- Burgermenu for Logfile Confirmation/Rejection
- Fix: Absolute OSR Module, Rate and Growth stages
- Implementation of N0
- N efficiency as default values in base data
- Fix: Density for liquid fertilisers now fully implemented
Release agriPORT 5.133 - 29.01.2024
- Fields:
- Update Buttons when editing fields
- New Buttons for touchscreen usage (Back, Delete, Finish)
- Check for future plans and records when deleting a field
- Refactor Satelite View and Background calculation
- Field work:
- Fix: Live position Logger
- Base fertilisation:
- Burger menu on single plan/records in detail view in the overview:
- Show, Export, Record, Delete
- Fix: Zoom when selcting plan/records
- Fix: Color Plan/record Map
- Burger menu on single plan/records in detail view in the overview:
- N Fertilisation:
- Overview refactored
- Technical documentation implemented (Machine, Worker, Equipment)
- Fix: Map coloring
- N balance implemented und max allowance fixed
- Logfiles: Create Fields by context menu in map
- General:
- English as fallback when help is empty
- Tooltip for harvest year
- Vertical scroll in statistic
- Various minor bugfixes
Release agriPORT 5.132 - 08.01.2024
- Bugfix: Filter and Selection in Crop Rotation
Release agriPORT 5.131 - 04.01.2024
Split fields
- Fields:
- overview created removed and yiedl added to grid
- Crop rotation: Tooltip for Crop types
- BF:
- Plans and record und Buchungsgrid in der Grunddüngung vereinheitlicht
- Tasks
- Thousand delimiter introduced and removed (x1000)
- Base data:
- N removal visible
- Nitrogen:
- Export in N restriction view
- Setting:
- Farm number added
- Address data visible
- General:
- Number and Partnumber merged in half view tables
- Number and Partnumber merged in half view tables
Release agriPORT 5.130 - 22.12.2024
Bugfixes and improvements:
- Notes in BF saved properly
- Number filter fixed
- N efficiency saves properly and rounds to full values in base data/fertilisers
- Massedit when recording is collapsed first
- Bug Field merges
- Statistic nutrient distributions fixed
- Resend User invitation mail and extension of the status
Release agriPORT 5.129 - 19.12.2023
Bugfixes and minor improvements:
- Clean up buttons at the geometry editor
- Add documentation at base fertilization planings
- Handling multipolygons at contouring
- Add and remap LogFiles
- Numeric filter at number and partnumber of the Field/crop rotation grid
- Application date was not saved
- Reject all settings after application typ (uniform, variable) change at base fertilization planing
- Fine adjustments of N-fertilization application map legend
- Improments of data handling field factory
Release agriPORT 5.128 - 13.12.2023
Bugfixes and minor improvements:
- Product dropdown in BF/plan wizard fixed
- Decimal separator in feild export for soil samples
- Burgemenu N Logfiles
- Tooltipn in BF/ Overview ehanced with variable, uniform and recorded
- BF/Overview half view shows application amounts
- Machine, Implement and worker in tasks shown
- Data entry in Base Fertilisation timezone independent
- mass edit in Fields/Overveiw scales to screen
Release agriPORT 5.127 - 12.12.2023
- General:
- Sort by number
- Sample Fields:
- Export Field Statistic in Sample Fields
- Base Fertilisation:
- Single Plan Edit in base fertilisation!!!
- Delete single fields from plan wizard
- Record: Machine, Implement, Worker added
- Base Data:
- New crops dill fronds and alternating wheat
Release agriPORT 5.126
- Plan layer:
- Colors changed
- Color legend aligned between Base fertilisation and N fertilisation (0,Min,Max)
- histogram calculations
- Updated core components
- Planned Date in Sample Planning
Release agriPORT 5.125
- Bugfixes:
- Application maps are visible at the task management PDF export.
Release agriPORT 5.124
- Product Sum in Base Fertilisation/Overview Statistic (for Oxyd Farms)
- Product Selection in N- Plans
- Histogram Calculations
- Increased Items per Page default to 100
Release agriPORT 5.122 - 07.11.2023
- Fields:
- Update Number and P.Number to Numerics only
- Merge Fields
- Base Fertilisation:
- Oxide Calculation in entry field for nutrients in planning wizard!
- Delete Single Fields from a Task List
- Show Notes on Base Fertilisation Plan and Records
- Zoom and load maps when selecting Records in base fert.
- Hovertext on Products in Records
- Introduction Thousand separator
- Remove x1000 for sum products
- Switch to Longnames for Fertiliser in all modules
- Status for Plans and books updated:
- green: variable
- yellow: uniform
- grey: recorded
- Base data:
- Removed Abbr. of fertilisers
- Show Notes on mineral fertilisers
- Refresh translations
- Help Pages for the Plan Wizard
- Bugfix:
- Sum Calculation for Organics
- PDF Export in base fertilisation
- Removed unused Crop Type "Seed Propagation Multiple Harvests"
- Miscallenous
Release agriPORT 30.10.2023
- Record of Sensor log files:
- data cleaning older thnan 90 days
- refresh remaining demand
- Minor Fixes
Release Notes 23.10.2023
- Initialisationfailure during a base fertilization planing with % remaining demand We apologize for the circumstance
Release Notes 20.10.2023
- converting between oxid and element values at the demand and planing maps and legend
- resize demand legend to the exact max value. (More variation is visible now)
- FieldEditor: Resize max. fieldsize from 500 to 1000 ha
- FieldEditor: reducing SNAP function while creating or changing a geomatry near by an other geometry
- Changing translations
- improving load time of planing and demand maps
- disable satellite menu item for the customers
- visualisation of N-fertilisation bookings at the map of "non sensor crops"
- BugFix: Unit usage
- BugFix: organic planing
- BugFix: deleting fields including crops
Release agriPORT 05.10.2023
- Crop Rotation delete handling
- Cleanup Massedit under Fields/Overview
- Sat View Prototype
- Cleanup of polygons
Release Notes 26.09.2023
- New Analyse method Mehlich 3 for P,K and Mg for Estonia
- Seperate base fertilisation / nutrient distribution from crop rotation entries
- Adapting MapFactory to IP based requests
- Optimization and reduction of MapFactory requests
agriPORT Release Notes - 20.09.2023
- Filter on Plan/Records in BF/Overview that are used for demand calculation
- Legend for Crop Rotation demand adjusts to maximum per farm and year
- Calculation Performance Improvements
- TIFF download for records (internally)
- Setup of new virtual machines (speed+backup)
- Bugfixing Delete and re entry of crop rotation entries
- Cleanup of unused functions
- Minor Bugfixing
Release Notes 05.09.2023
- The Fendt Shape Export disabled, because it is no longer necessary. The point and attribute limitations are respected by the general Shape Export.
- All farm specific jobs and errors are visible at the menu item settings now. Important for the support.
- standardisation of statuses at the field selection of a base fertilisation planning (green, yellow,red,gray). Status based decision if variable planning is possible. BugFixes
- Switching nutrient units depending on the selected aggregate state when creating organic fertilizers.
- Status update of the base fertilisation overview status after status change -> no more F5 necessary Internally
- Database trigger to prevent duplicate packages
- Adjustment of the job parameters number of CPU and worksize
Release agriPORT 23.08.2023
- Parameter changes Contouring:
- Point Reduction
- Data Reduction
- Plan Contours from 30 to 10 level
- Plan Contours between Min and Max
- Initial Demand Max Contouring reduced
Release agriPORT 21.08.2023
- Add: Tiny Polygon resolved for Plans in View and Export
- Fix: PDF last line now visible
Release Notes 16.08.2023
- Fix: Track Loading in Field Works
- Fix: Legend in Tracks
- Fix: Error Handling in Job Creation
- Add: Additional Meta Data for internal usage
- Fix: Oxid Handling for Magnesium
- Fix: Show Fields in Planning now numeric Values
- Clean: Non used Functions
Release Notes 10.08.2023
- OS Update and alle Plugins
- implement single column sorting at each grid
- improve failure handling within the go extention
- refactoring usage of crop rotation and field overview
- fixing save and update issues of crops at the crop rotation
- fixing issus at the geometry editor intersects between the current and older geometries
- fixing refresh issues at the base ferilization / sample planning after farm change
- fixing statisik bug at at the base fertilization/overview/statistic
- fixing column type issue at the tasks/planing show grid
Release agriPORT 31.07.2023
- Multi column sorting to single sorting
- Number and Partnumber now visible in ma
- Job priority will now be considered when new jobs are created
Release agriPORT 20.07.2023
- HotFix: Optimization of the demand calculation after deleting base fertilization planings
agriPORT Release Notes 13.07.2023
- LogFiles mass download at Import/Overview
- Refining of the legend classification of the requirement maps in the basic fertilization for the nutrients P,K,Mg,CaO
- Restricting of editing fertilizers that are already used in plannings
- Ignoring deleted field boundaries when loading field/crop rotation
- Improved type handling for empty arrays
- GPS-Number changed to long
Release agriPORT 07.07.2023
- Extend the application map Legend to 10 Classes
- LogFile download at the import/overview (csv)
- Fix: Changing the CaO content while editing fertilizer cause by wrong reference
- Fix: Filtering farm specific crop's is working
Release agriPORT 28.06.2023
- Blue legend for planning maps in base fertilisation
- Remapping of logfiles in client:
Case: First logfiles then boundaries. Now the customer can remap the logfiles to the fields by himself. - Fix: Booked plans can be selected for logfile confimation
- Fix: Decision for uniform or variable application based on remaining demand is now round to 0 and not == 0
- Fix: Task lists exceeding 50 entries are now exportable
- Fix: Filter for names in NF/Logfiles
Release agriPORT 02.05.2023
- Fix: Enter factor = 1 for scatter maps
- Error handling raster operations extended
- Post entered application rate at ND LogFiles, will be saved and used when interpolating
- Adjustment of the timestamps at the DG Planning/Posting Delete adjusted to uniform time
- Fix: Foreign data with only 2 sample points now run cleanly through
Release agriPORT 18.04.2023
- Added Czech as a language
- Fix: Logout improved
- Constant polygons now get constant value (If median=Max, then Max)
- Fix: Area calculation for merged fields
- Bug-Fix: Error handling with no samplefield
Release agriPORT 14.04.2023
- Fix: Fertilizer rule DL Potassium Soil group 3
- ND planning also possible with non-sensor crop
- Fix: ND Quantity output
- Fix: ND sum for booking wizard
- Performance improvement when loading in general
- Minor bug fixes ND
- Fix: Grid size ND now matches field geometry
Release agriPORT 05.04.2023
- Fix: Create Field_raster jobs via right click in map
- Fix: Create ND planning with non sensor fruits
- Fix: Display of log points "unknown hits
- Fix: Fix when assigning multiple LogFiles to one hit
- Fix: Sending the action of the RB Store to all farms (performance and table is not loaded in GD/Overview)
- Fix: Several performance improvement in the ND and GD overviews
- Fix: Linking and posting LogFiles with constant schedules
- Fix: N-requirement in ND/requirement now only takes integer values
- Fix: Parse Jobs (.Log in .CSV) check if record already exists in sensor.Dataset
- Fix: Clean Job (Clean databases)
- Fix: Display of the gift for scatter cards in the ND
- Fix: Suggest fertilizer when confirming LogFiles via Massedit now preferred mineral and correct product
- Fix: Total product in ND plannings are now updated directly after saving the plannings
- Fix: When F5+ farm change, the ND / overview is loaded properly
- New: Excel export of ND overview and GD overview
- New: ND / overview with the column already fertilized and the sum over all posted entries
Major Release agriPORT 5.1 23.03.2023
- Plan split, overlap and merge fields
- Hover over fields in schedules shows field name and numbers
- New status Basic fertilization/Overview
- Split and merge fields possible via inside service
- Quick selection of fields from existing plans
- Crop rotation no longer has to be closed
- Single tillage in N fertilization
- Booking constant planning N fertilization
- Performance improvements
- Translations Udate
- Fix for ISO XML export
- More bug fixes
Release 13-15.03.2023
- Bugfix: Mail Import Logfiles
- Bugfix: Alignment ISO-XML grid
- Bugfix: Reactivate deleted users
- Extended support view turned on in all tables
Release 08.03.2023
- Enter, change and delete demand calculation now cleanly triggered at crop rotation
- Performance Improvement:
- Load fruit types
- ND Database
- Fertilizer rules rest of countries updated
- Minimum overlap area of sampling fields increased to 0.2 ha.
- Troubleshooting when summing up migrated m³ and t schedules
- Total product in ND Planning and bookings
- General performance improvements
Release 03.03.2023
- Contouring improved (zero contours now have continuous values)
- 0 Contours are now neatly written in demand and planning
- For this purpose necessary new interpolation of all countries except Germany (coming next week)
- Bugfix Clear map cache
Release 01.03.2023
- Minimum overlap area with sampling field increased from 9 to 1000 sq. m.
- Performance improvement ND/Overview
- Performance improvement ND/Logfiles
- Performance Accept/reject log files
- Added number of log points in import/overview
Release 28.02.2023
- General performance improvement
- Update/activation fertilizer rules Poland and new interpolation
- Update fertilizer rules (conversion to phasing out towards 0 (CAL, CaCl2, KCl)
Release 24.02.2022
- GD: Decimal numbers in measured values i n Sampling distribution and nutrient distribution now rounded to 1 decimal number and sortable
- DG. Update lime and potash rules (Serbia, Hungary, Croatia, Latvia, Estonia)
- ND: Export Dead biomass now as % specification to PF box
- ND: Pure nutrient taken out of ND plans. Default value now Mineral
- Tables refresh when creating resources
- Translation update
- Bugfixing
Release 22.02.2022
- Fixed error when saving planning ND
- Statistics sum product in GD/overview now correct at % planning
- Testing crop rotation closed improved
- Hide deleted fields from crop rotation
- Sampling date now identical to demand calculation (at least 9 sqm overlap into the field)
- Product selection is now retained when going back and forth in ND Planning
- General bug fixes