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News - 20.01.2025 - Release agriPORT
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News - 23.06.2022 - 25th anniversary is celebrated with brand new precision farming software platform
During the 25th anniversary of the Agricon, the new generation of agriPORT was presented and introduced. The version 5.0 is brand new developed system dedicated to professional arable farms. Precision Farming Solutions are the heart of it and it provides an independent and holistic solution for all farming operations. mehr
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Blog - 04.10.2019 - The autumn scan of grain and rapeseed
In the "autumn scan", farmers use their YARA N-Sensor® to measure the current N uptake of winter rape stocks and can thus calculate spreading maps for the first N dosage in the following spring. This ensures optimum fertilization of the plants. Current research results show that this procedure also leads to positive effects in winter wheat. Read more
Blog - 19.12.2018 - Yield potential maps a second time - Why, agronomically, they make no sense at all
Yield potential maps and yield targets are mostly used to measure the optimal nitrogen fertilization. With this approach, however, we are unfortunately on the wrong track. The attempt is to calculate the N fertilizer required by balancing plant growth, N consumption and N fertilizer supplied as in a static black box. However, nature is not that simple... Read more
Blog - 14.12.2018 - Optimization of N-fertilization to winter wheat with the help of digital tools
How can nitrogen fertilization to winter wheat be optimized with the help of digital tools? Dr. Martin Schneider addressed this question in his presentation at the 2018 Arable Farming Conference in Bernburg. In the presentation, the focus will be on the application of our digital N-fertilization method in the entire vegetation process. Read more
Blog - 07.12.2018 - A pioneer in fertilizer management
As an agricultural service provider, Eberhard Tanzberger has been offering his customers sub-area-specific basic and nitrogen fertilization for 18 years. He is supported by Agricon. The services are based on soil samples, the Yara N-Sensor® and the cloud-based data management software agriPORT. Read more
Blog - 06.11.2018 - Working group "Digital crop production" - orientation and training for farmers
More than 200 farmers took part in the "Digital Crop Production" working group last year. Over the next eleven weeks, Agricon employees will again meet face-to-face with farm managers and agronomists to discuss rules-based crop production. The series of events will take place at a total of 19 locations across Germany. Read more
Blog - 01.11.2018 - Yield potential maps - Why they do not work
Yield maps have been known in agricultural practice for over 25 years. Yield potential maps are to be calculated from a series of yield maps. These, in turn, are to be used in precision farming in order to be able to plan farming measures and the use of resources precisely. The wish seems to be father to the thought! Read more