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News - 08.01.2025 - Release agriPORT
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News - 23.06.2022 - 25th anniversary is celebrated with brand new precision farming software platform
During the 25th anniversary of the Agricon, the new generation of agriPORT was presented and introduced. The version 5.0 is brand new developed system dedicated to professional arable farms. Precision Farming Solutions are the heart of it and it provides an independent and holistic solution for all farming operations. mehr
(Kopie 5)
Blog - 20.09.2022 - Tip of the month – Sensor check
Have your YARA N-Sensor® checked by a professional. Before starting the new season, make an appointment. Read more
Blog - 20.09.2022 - N-fertilizers scarce and expensive - therefore pay attention to highest n-efficiency!
In times when nitrogen is only available with difficulty and at very high prices, there can be no "business as usual" in fertilization. The status quo on many farms is that N is constantly applied to the field. But this benefits neither the good nor the bad crops - either too much or too little fertilizer is applied. However, this watering-can principle cannot achieve high N efficiency in arable farming. Read more
Blog - 20.09.2022 - Video: Smart Farming with Georg - The Autumn Scan
During the "Autumn Scan", farmers measure the current N uptake of winter cereal and winter oilseed rape crops with their YARA N-Sensor®. Why do they do this now, in autumn of all times? Our Georg will explain. Read more
Blog - 25.08.2021 - After the harvest is before the harvest
The 2021 threshing crop harvest is essentially complete. It is the first year in which the rules of the DVO apply to all and especially in the red areas the N-quantities had to be lowered by 20%. Yields, just like prices, are essentially at normal to good levels. Everything good? Can't we manage with the restrictions? No, it's not all good at all. The majority of farmers were just a little lucky this year. Read more
Blog - 13.09.2020 - Interview: The autumn scan is part of the fertilization
The AGRAR Dresdner Vorland has been working with the YARA N-Sensor for many years and has used it almost from the beginning to carry out an autumn scan as well. We met with operations manager Mirko Pietzsch and asked what benefits the autumn scan brings to the company. Read more
Blog - 09.09.2020 - How an autumn scan brings stands through spring drought
How can an autumn scan have a positive impact on your stands when it comes to spring drought? Read more