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News about agriPORT release

News - 20.01.2025 - Release agriPORT
Release agriPORT mehr

agriPORT 5.0 knowledge transfer in various workshops

News - 23.06.2022 - 25th anniversary is celebrated with brand new precision farming software platform
During the 25th anniversary of the Agricon, the new generation of agriPORT was presented and introduced. The version 5.0 is brand new developed system dedicated to professional arable farms. Precision Farming Solutions are the heart of it and it provides an independent and holistic solution for all farming operations. mehr

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Is digitalization the 'magical solution'?

Blog - 12.11.2019 - Is digitalization the 'magical solution'?
Why does society no longer trust agriculture - but still trust the individual farmer? What are the reasons for this and can digitalization help to regain the lack of trust? Read more

Precision in corn production

Blog - 18.10.2019 - Precision in corn production
Strategies in corn cultivation are continuously optimized. Nevertheless, it still poses a number of economic, ecological and political challenges. Digital processes can increase the efficiency of maize production and at the same time conserve natural resources. Read more

Plan lime fertilisation with agriPORT

Blog - 16.09.2019 - Plan lime fertilisation with agriPORT
The positive influence of lime is often underestimated in arable farming. Dr. Martin Schneider explains in a video which agronomic advantages arise from liming with sub-area accuracy and how you can plan this quickly and easily with agriPORT. Read more

Site specific application of growth regulators

Blog - 06.09.2019 - Site specific application of growth regulators
With a constant application of growth regulators, weak stands are treated up to 4 times overdosed. For large populations, less than half the application rate remains. In unfavorable situations, this leads to repeated lodging in the high yield zones and yield losses in the low yield zones. Growth regulators therefore have to be applied site specifically. Read more

Precision farming makes our work more efficient

Blog - 30.08.2019 - Precision farming makes our work more efficient
Reinhard Rustler has been farming his two farms in Bavaria and the Czech Republic on a site-specific basis for several years. He has relied on regular soil tests by Agricon and has had good experiences with the N-Sensor. The graduate farmer is convinced that investments in digital crop production are also worthwhile for smaller farms. We visited him on his farm in the Upper Palatinate. Read more

Critically scrutinised: the Fertiliser Ordinance

Blog - 14.08.2019 - Critically scrutinised: the Fertiliser Ordinance
The renewed tightening of the DüV will not reduce nitrate levels in groundwater, but the competitiveness of our industry. We will discuss ways in which farmers can intelligently counter the planned economic approaches from Berlin and Brussels. Read more

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