We would like to cultivate a culture of discussion

...with our agriconBLOG


Sustainable crop protection with the N-Sensor

Blog - 22.02.2019 - Sustainable crop protection with the N-Sensor
Eric and Moritz Krull look not only at their own wallets, but also at society's demands. With the Yara N-Sensor® and the rule-based crop protection system from Agricon, they manage this balancing act. Read more

How is it that base fertilization always comes second

Blog - 18.02.2019 - How is it that base fertilization always comes second
Depending on the nutrient and livestock density of a region, 30-40% of the areas are often underserved according to official advice. We wanted to substantiate this somewhat rough statistic with our own investigation and took a look. The result: on average every second field suffers from a considerable lack of nutrients. Read more

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