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News - 08.01.2025 - Release agriPORT
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News - 23.06.2022 - 25th anniversary is celebrated with brand new precision farming software platform
During the 25th anniversary of the Agricon, the new generation of agriPORT was presented and introduced. The version 5.0 is brand new developed system dedicated to professional arable farms. Precision Farming Solutions are the heart of it and it provides an independent and holistic solution for all farming operations. mehr
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Blog - 25.04.2019 - Variable N fertilization increases yields and saves nitrogen
This spring, the amended Fertiliser Ordinance is having a particularly strong effect on N fertilisation on farms. Restrictions due to the fertiliser requirement value and the tightening of the company nutrient comparison are being imposed on many farms. Read more
Blog - 19.04.2019 - Agricon digitalizes European crop production
In 30 years roughly nine billion people will live on our planet. At the same time, the world's arable land will have decreased by several billion hectares at the same time. Intensifying crop production in Europe is therefore a question of global responsibility. Read more