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(Kopie 3)

News about agriPORT release

News - 20.01.2025 - Release agriPORT
Release agriPORT mehr

agriPORT 5.0 knowledge transfer in various workshops

News - 23.06.2022 - 25th anniversary is celebrated with brand new precision farming software platform
During the 25th anniversary of the Agricon, the new generation of agriPORT was presented and introduced. The version 5.0 is brand new developed system dedicated to professional arable farms. Precision Farming Solutions are the heart of it and it provides an independent and holistic solution for all farming operations. mehr

(Kopie 5)

Precision Farming with N-Sensor or Satellite?

Blog - 22.07.2019 - Precision Farming with N-Sensor or Satellite?
Since the availability of Sentinel 2 pictures, various offers for the use of this data have come onto the market. With the new (mostly free) digital tools, farmers should be able to increase their yields and save on fertilizers and pesticides. This raises the question of what other raisons d'être the N-Sensor has? Read more

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